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What we do

We artport work together to develop alternative artistic and cultural practices, especially in non-conventional places and contexts. We mainly focus on solving gaps and difficulties between art and architecture as well as Japanese and non-Japanese conditions.

Our acvitity includes:
- Exhibition making
- Technical consulting for architectural/institutional matters
- Translation and interpretation
- Survey and research
- Social experiments in urban environment

Based in Tokyo and Yokohama areas in Japan, artport was formed in 2018 initially as a partnership of a translator and an archietct who jointly work on off-museum curation, now expanded to a small team of experts with different skills, experiences and backgrounds.

Masamichi TAMURA (founder) - translator, curator
Naoya IKEDA (co-founder) - architect, curator
Tatsunori FUKUDA - producer
Aquiles HADJIS - musician, artist (PhD in Art, Tokyo University of the Arts)

Who we are

How we operate

Our team usually work on a project basis, not with regular programs. Each time forming a task force or being part of it with other partners, we employ our expertise to develop and materialise experimental ideas in unique conditions that rarely offer institutionalized solutions.
Please consult with us to see if we can help your project.

Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan